Full Part Of tabla lesson 1

Understanding Bols
Striking the different parts of the tabla using different fingers creates distinct notes or tones called "Bols". In order to learn the traditional method of playing the tabla the student must learn to play and recite the "Bols". These Bols are arranged to create rhythmical patterns or compositions and one must learn to recite and play these Bols and compositions correctly in order to truly understand and properly learn to play the tabla.
A number of distinct Bols can be played with each hand as well as combination Bols created using both hands together.
Explanation of 11 Basic Bols:
Note: Learning to play Bols should not be done without a teacher, the student should always learn the proper hand position and technique from an accomplished teacher.
The four fingers used to play the following 11 Bols are: (1) the Index Finger (Tarjani), (2)Middle Finger (Madhyama), (3) Ring Finger (Anamika) and (4) Small Finger (Karanguli).
5 Bols played with the right hand on the smaller drum "Dayan" are:
(1)Na or Ta, (2) Tin, (3) Tun, (4)Te or Tet, (5) Re or Te
1. Na or Ta : Place the palm of the hand on the dayan resting the tip of the middle finger in the exact center of the gab and ring finger on the edge of the gab, the small finger should remain joined to the ring and also resting on the gab or sur, raise the index and the middle finger and strike the kinar with the index finger creating a note with resonance. This Bol is called Na or Ta.
2. Tin : The position of the hand is the same as playing Na except that you strike the index finger on the sur creating a note with resonance this is the Bol Tin.
3. Tun: Using the index finger, we strike the gab with resonance, slightly raising the ring and little finger moving them up and out of the way toward the right side, the resulting sound is called Tun.
4. Te or Tet: Again place the palm of the hand on the Dayan resting the ring finger on the gab, the tip of the middle finger should be placed exactly on the middle of the gab, fingers all together, raise the entire hand and strike the gab in the exact same position landing flat with a dampening slap this is Tet, when playing Tet followed by Te written as TeTe play tet the same way but leave the index finger up ready to strike the next Bol Te or Re
5. Te or Re: This Bol is also a dampened Bol similar to and often following Tet. After
playing Tet keeping the index finger up strike the center of the gab with the index finger
creating an equal tapping sound similar to Tet, playing TeTe or TeRe both Bols should sound the same as they are pronounced "TeTe" only with Tet you strike the center of the gab with the middle finger followed by Te striking the gab with the index finger, the middle finger should move over slightly so that the index finger strikes the same spot as the middle finger did just before .
These are the 5 primary Bols played on the Dayan with the right hand next we cover the left hand.
3 Bols played with the left hand on the "Bayan" are:
(1) Ghe, Ghen (2) Ge or Ga (3) Ka, Ke, Ki or Kat
1. Ghe or Ghen: Place the wrist of the left hand behind the gab, on the widest part of the sur, the weight of the left arm should rest on the rim of the kinar near the pagri. The entire palm will come over the gab but not touch, the middle, Ring and small finger are kept joined together and also held slightly above the sur on the far side of the gab, strike the sur with resonance coming downwards and inwards towards the palm striking with the middle and ring finger then instantly raising the fingers back up. this Bol is called Ghe or Ghen.
2. Ge or Ga: This Bol is played exactly the same as Ghe except that you use the index finger
to strike the sur instead of the middle and ring finger, the note should also sound with resonance. This also allows the player to execute two strokes quickly on the Bayan as in "Ghe ge" striking first with the middle and ring finger then second with the index finger.
3. Ka, Ke, Ki or Kat: This is a dampened Bol played as it sounds, keeping the hand in the same position as Ghe lay the palm of the hand flat on the gab with all four fingers together resting on the sur on the far side of the gab, bending at the wrist, raise the hand straight up and slap straight down striking the gab and sur, this Bol is called Ka, ke, ki or Kat with Kat generally played stronger or harder.
3 combination Bols are: (1) Dha= Na + Ghe (2) Dhin= Tin + Ghe (3) Dhet= Te + Ghe
These 3 combination "Bols" are created by playing a right hand Bol and left hand Bol striking the notes of each hand at the same time. Using the instructions above here are the 3 primary combination Bols:
1. Dha: Na or Ta played on the right plus Ghe played on the left equals Dha
2 Dhin: Tin on right plus Ghe on the left equals Dhin
3. Dhet: Tet or Te on the right plus Ghe on the left equals Dhet
Other Bols:
"Ti " Dampened Bol, played on the Dayan with the right hand using only the
middle finger
"Ne" Dampened or resonant Bol played with the right hand using only the ring finger
"Di" Resonant Bol similar to tun played with the right hand using all four fingers
"Dhi"The same Bol as Di but played simultanously with Ghe on the Left hand
"Tak" Dampened Bol played with the index finger on the kinar creating a snapping sound
"Kran" A combination Bol created by playing na on the right hand Dayan and Ka simultaniously on the left hand Bayan
Other combination Bols and Bol patterns :
certain Bols are almost always played together one Bol after the other these are Bol patterns
"Taran", Two Bols in a Bol pattern, the first is played striking the rim of the Kinar on the back edge (near the player) with the middle and ring finger, the second Bol strikes the same position as the hand moves to the right, both notes sound with resonance "Taran"
"Dere" A dampened Bol pattern, played on the Dayan with the right using each side of the palm of the hand starting with the lower half of the palm or Dhere adding Ghe with the left hand simultaniously to De
"Tre Kre " Dampened Bol pattern using 4 Bols Te Re and Ki Ta in the space of 2 beats
Other often used Bols played together to create familier Bol patterns and become known like single words:
Dhage, Dhene, Taka, Tete, Kata, Gadi, Gena, Taketa, Dhetete, Katete, Terekita, Tetekata, Ketataka, Gerenaga, dheredhere, Dhenegene, tetekatagadigene, etc. etc.
Keeping Tal
When learning the tabla, compositions are taught and recited within a rhythmic structure or tal, we learn to clap out the tal as we recite compositions.
The first rhythmic structure or tal to become familiar with is Teental, this is a 16 beat rhythm with 4 bars or divisions of 4 beats (matras) each.
Teental (16 beats ) (divided 4x4)
+ (Sam) 2 Tali
0 Kali 3 Tali
|Dha, dhin, dhin, dha, | dha, dhin, dhin, dha, | dha, tin, tin, ta,| tete, Dhin, dhin, dha|
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
When keeping tal we clap on the beginning of each division except the Kali division which is signified by a wave, so there are 3 claps in Teental, Teen is 3 and stands for the 3 Tali divisions of 4 beats.
To keep the Tal clap first on the palm of the hand on the Sam or "1" then count starting with the tip of the small finger on the palm "2", then the tip of the ring finger "3", then the index, "4" , the second clap (2 ) is on the fingers again followed by using the fingertips for counting 2,3,4 on the palm, wave the hand on the Kali( 0 ) counting 2,3,4 with the tip of the fingers on the thumb of the same hand, the third clap is on the wrist again followed by using the fingertips on the palm for counting 2,3,4, this is how we count the 16 beats of teental
Counting in Hindi to 16
Ek, Do, Teen, Char, Paanch, Che, Saat, Aath, Nau, Dus, Gearah, Barah,Terah, Chandha, Pandhva, Solan
Playing Teental Theka 16 beats (rhythm cyle) (4-4)
Madhya (medium tempo)
+Sam 2 0 Kali 3
Dha, dhin, dhin, dha, |Dha, dhin, dhin, dha, |Dha, tin, tin, na, | tete, dhin, dhin, dha
Drut (fast)
+Sam 2 0 Kali 3
Dha, dhin, dhin, dha, |Dha, dhin, dhin, dha, |Dha, tin, tin, na, | Na, dhin, dhin, dha
Tip: In order to play fast the left hand Bayan fingers are rotated
1 2+3 1 2+3 1 2+3 1
2+3 1 ka 2+3 1
Very Fast Drut
+Sam 2 0 Kali
Dha te te dha |Dha te te dha |Dha te te na | na te te dha
Gourishankar explains:
As you are playing the theka the Bols of the left hand stay the same but the right hand Bols change from dhin, dhin to te,te, do not play standard tete, play reverse tete starting with the index finger, followed by middle & ring finger, this works better for speed as tempo increases.
Other Tals and Theka
Dadra 6 beats divided 3+3
+ 0
|Dha, dhin, na | Dha, tin, na
1 2 3 4 5 6
Rupaktal 7 beats 3+2+2
0 (+) 2 3
|Tin, tin, na | Dhin, na, |, Dhin, na
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Keharwa 8 beats 4+4
+ 0
|Dha, ge, na, ka,| Na, ka, Dhin, na,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jhaptal 10 beats 2+3+2+3
+ 2 0 3
|Dhin, na, | Dhin, dhin, na, | Tin, na, |Dhin, dhin, na
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
Ektal 12 beats 2+2+2+2+2+2
+ 0                     2
0 3 4
|Dhin, dhin, |Dhage, terikita, | tun, na, | kat, ta, | dhage, terikita, | dhin, na
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
Deepchandi - 14 beats (3+4+3+4
+ 2 0 3
|Dha, dhin, - ,| dha, dha, tin, - ,| ta, tin, - ,| dha, dha, dhin, -,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14
Sitarkhani 16 beats divided 4 X 4
+ 2
0 3
|Dha, gadhi, -ga ,dha, | Dha, gadhi, -ga ,dha, |Dha, kati, -ka ,ta, | ta, gadhi, -ga ,dha, |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Dha tit (dha dha tit)2x dha ti dha tit dha dha dha tit
Dha tit dha dha dhatit (dhatit dha dha tit )2x then kali
Dha ge ge, da gege, dhin dha dha, dha gege, dha gege, tin na na
dha- ge ge, naga tete, ge ge tete, ge ge naga, tete ge ge, naga tete, ge ge tete, ge ge naga
kata ge ge, tete kata, ge ge naga, dhina gena, kata ge ge, na na kata, ge ge naga, tina kena
5. Teental Baya Exercise
1. Start single baya basic teental dha dhin dhin dha etc. {slow enough to play all 4 at same tempo}
2. double baya –(dhage dhinge dhinge dhage )2x dhage tinke tinke take take dhinge dhinge dhage
3. triple dhagege dhingege dhingege dhagege etc. {tip: during kali all ke’s alternate fingers 23 and 1}
4. quadruple dhagegege dhingegege etc.
{can keep adding to this as possible}
Ge te te te gerenaga tete gerenaga tete ( on tetete 1st te played with ring finger 2 nd te with middle 3 rd first)
ge tage ge tage dhene nana tete ge tage ge tage tene nana tete
8. Jnan Prakesh Ghosh
dha tere, kitataka, takadhi, nare, | dhatere, kitataka, takadhi, nare
dha tere, kitadha , terekita, dhati, | dhatere, kitataka, takadhi, nare
dha tere, kitataka, takataka, taka, | takatere, kitataka, takadhi, nare
(dha tete, gerenaga)3x, dhin na, kerenaka |(ta tete, Kerenaka)2x, dha tete gerenaga dhin na, gerenaga
dha tere, kita dhere, dheredhere, gerenaga or dha tere, kita gere,
dheredhere, gerenaga
taka tete, gerenaga, tiga naga, taka tete, | gerenaga, dhiga naga, taka tete,
gerenaga |
dhage terekita, dhinagere,
nagadhina, nanakata |tage terekita, dhinagere, nagadhina, nanagata
Dhin N Ge N
Dhin N Ge N – phrase used in relas
Exercise 1:
Dhin N Ge N Ta Ka
Dhin N Ge N Ta Ka
Dhin N Ge N
Exercise 2:
Dhin N Ge N Dhin N Ge N
Dhin N Ge N Ta Ka Ta Ka
Exercise 3:
Dhin N Ge N Ta Ka
Dhin N Ge N Ta Ka
Dhin N Ge N
Tin N Ke N Ta Ka
Dhin N Ge N Ta Ka
Dhin N Ge N
Exercise 4:
(Dhati Ge N Dhin N Ge N ) n
Dha Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Dhin Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Dhin Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Dha Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Dha Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Dhin Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Dhin Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Dha Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Dha Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Tin Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Tin Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Hope your practice is going well..
Ta Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Ta Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Dhin Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Dhin Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Dha Tire Kite Tak Tire Kite Tak
Exercise 5:
Ta Ke Dhin N Ge N
Ta Ke Dhin N Ge N
Dhin N Ge Na
Exercise 6:
Ta Ke Dhin N Ge N
Dhin N Ge N Ta Ka
Dhin N Ge N
Uthan 1:
Kda Dhin $ Na Na Na Na Na
Dha Tire Kita Tak Ta Tire Kite Tak
Tire Kita Tak Ta Tire Kita
Dhati [Dha Tire Kita Tak Ta Tire Kita Tak
Dha Na Na Na Na Na $ ]3
Uthan 2:
Kda Dhin $ Na Na Na Na Na
Dha Tire Kita Tak Ta Tire Kite Tak
Tire Kita Tak Ta Tire Kita
Dhati [Dha Tire Kita Tak Dha Na $
Dha Na Na Na Na Na $ ]3
Tita Ka Ta Ga Di Ge N Dha
Ti $ Ta Ka $ Ta Ga $ Di Ga $ N Dha $
Ti $ Ta Ka $ Ta Ga $ Di Ga $ N Dha $
Tita KaTa GaDi Ge N Dha
{Tita KaTa GaDi Ge N Dha $
Tita KaTa GaDi Ge N Dha $
Tita KaTa GaDi Ge N Dha $ $ $} speed 2X
Here is a Kaida for exercising the Bayan and 3 Tukdas:
Main Theme Dha $ Ga Dha Ga Ge Na Ga
Dha Ti Dha Ge Tin Na Ke Na Ta $ Ke Ta
Ke Ke Na Ke Dha Ti Dha Ge Dhin Na Ge
Na Variation 1 (Dha $ Ga Dha Ga Ge Na
Ga)2 Dha $ Ga Dha Ga Ge Na Ga Dha Ti
Dha Ge Tin Na Ke Na (Ta $ Ke Ta Ke Ke
Na Ke)2 Dha $ Ga Dha Ga Ge Na Ga Dha
Ti Dha Ge Dhin Na Ge Na Variation 2 Dha
$ Ga Dha Ga Ge Na Ga Ge Na Ga Dha Ga
Ge Na Ga Dha $ Ga Dha Ga Ge Na Ga
Dha Ti Dha Ge Tin Na Ke Na Ta $ Ke Ta
Ke Ke Na Ke Ke Na Ke Ta Ke Ke Na Ke
Dha $ Ga Dha Ga Ge Na Ga Dha Ti Dha
Ge Dhin Na Ge Na Tukda 1 Dha Ti $ Dha
Ti $ Dha $ Dha Tire Kita Tak Ta Tire Kita
Tak Tire Kita Tak Ta Tire Kita Dha Ti Dha
$ Dha Ti Dha $ Dha Ti Dha $ Tukda 2
Dha Ti $ Dha Ti $ Dha $ Dha Tire Kita
Tak Ta Tire Kita Tak Tire Kita Tak Ta Tire
Kita Dha Ti Dha $ $ Tire Kita Tak Ta Tire
Kita Dha Ti Dha $ Dha Ti Dha $ $ Tire
Kita Tak Ta Tire Kita Dha Ti Dha $ Dha Ti
Dha $ Dha Ti Dha Tukda 3 Dha Ti $ Dha
Ti $ Dha $ Dha Tire Kita Tak Ta Tire Kita
Tak Tire Kita Tak Ta Tire Kita Dha Ti (Dha
Tire Kita Tak Ta Tire Kita Tak Dha Dha
Dha Dha Dha $)3


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